Zibi Group works with eLeader Mobile Visit
Zibi Group – a leader of the market of watches, electronic products and musical instruments has decided to implement the...
Zibi Group – a leader of the market of watches, electronic products and musical instruments has decided to implement the SFA system eLeader Mobile Visit.
During visits, field sales representatives work on laptops with the Windows 10 operating system, using the SFA system both for giving an impressive presentation of the offer and putting in orders, as well as performing tasks related to merchandising and reporting. These and other configuration components ensure quick and steady control of the whole sales process in the field.
The Zibi brand brings to mind an image of high quality and luxury. Therefore in order to give both impressive and effective product presentations, while retaining steady access to the interface for creating orders, Dell touchscreen laptops were chosen.
eLeader has provided us with a tool which enhances the quality of product offer presentation in the field. The whole visit scenario is presented fluently and logically in the system. Planning visits with eLeader Mobile Visit is easy and efficient. Given the ability to work on different platforms, we have the comfort of planning our strategy without worrying about seamless migration to another operating system. At Zibi Group, it is people and continuous perfection that are the greatest assets. That is why we decided to choose the system from eLeader – says Maciej Mikołajczyk Sales Director at Zibi Group.
The eLeader system can be operated both using a touch screen and a keyboard. The application on the Windows platform efficiently handles an extensive list of products. In order to provide a smooth user interface, a set of keyboard shortcuts was created. The configuration also includes advanced mechanisms for setting a final price depending on e.g. the method of payment which makes visits of sales representatives more effective.

eLeader Mobile Visit is a system of mobile sales, which smartly reflects the operations of field employees and optimizes the fulfilment of marketing strategies. The flexibility of the solution makes it possible both to effectively implement standard functionalities in companies and to configure unique, non-typical business processes.