eLeader supports mobile and remote work in LOTTO Hessen
LOTTO Hessen is a German provider of lotteries such as Lotto or Eurojackpot. As part of its activity, the company participates in programmes fost...

Register mobile payments in the SFA system
We would like to present a new module designed to improve sales in the field using payment terminals. It encourages manufacturers and distributor...

eLeader Shelf Recognition AI winner of Best in Cloud
eLeader Shelf Recognition AI - a solution for automatic analysis of products, merchandising standards and prices, received an award in the Comput...

eLeader Retail Portal – mobile B2B marketing platform for your customers
Recent events have placed almost all management boards and crisis staffs in manufacturing companies by the most urgent task of adapting almost en...

When is it worth implementing an AI-based analysis of your product shelf?
The immense pace of the AI-based image recognition development has made the automated shelf analysis tools that have been around for several year...

Olewnik chooses eLeader Mobile Visit
Zakłady Mięsne (Meat Processing Plants) Olewnik is a group of modern and mutually complementary production plants which since 1989 have ranked am...

Train the sales with Perfect Store!
When talking about the perfect store strategy in sales, we often mention management by objectives, including our assumptions in KPIs, monitoring,...