DNP S.A.: Implementation of an SFA system
DNP S.A., a company manufacturing high-quality assistance animals food, is one of the leaders of this sector in Poland. In...
DNP S.A., a company manufacturing high-quality assistance animals food, is one of the leaders of this sector in Poland. In order to increase the efficiency of its sales department, it embarked upon implementing the SFA / FFM eLeader Mobile Visit system.
Sales representatives of DNP operating on the entire area of the country have been equipped with a mobile application installed on their Lenovo tablets with the Android system. With this tool in hand, they can not only effectively handle orders (by means of well-integrated catalogs of products, stores, stock amounts and price lists), but also demonstrate their products to customers in an attractive way, and so increase their chances of landing a favourable deal.
Through our representatives’ everyday work in the field, we want our company to be associated with quality in all dimensions. We do care about the high standards of our products and the efficiently working eLeader Mobile Visit helps us conducts effective visits to our clients and make an excellent impression on them.
Krzysztof Kubicki
Director of Sales at Karmy DNP
DNP field representatives place orders in the retail and the wholesale channels through the eLeader Mobile Visit system. The application functionalities also feature launching special offers during visits. This concerns both simple and more extensive, multi-conditional promotional campaigns. In addition, it is possible to chceck stock levels. If needed, it is also possible to create ascribed notes (e.g. to record suggestions from the client or the representative’s own observations), while the completion level can be seen by the representative in their mobile application. The implementation required integrating with the ERP system.
eLeader Mobile Visit is a system of mobile sales, which smartly reflects the operations of field employees and optimizes the fulfilment of marketing strategies. The flexibility of the solution makes it possible both to effectively implement standard functionalities in companies and to configure unique, non-typical business processes.