eLeader supports mobile and remote work in LOTTO Hessen
LOTTO Hessen is a German provider of lotteries such as Lotto or Eurojackpot. As part of its activity, the company...
LOTTO Hessen is a German provider of lotteries such as Lotto or Eurojackpot. As part of its activity, the company participates in programmes fostering the development of culture and sport in Hessen (Germany). CPM Germany, providing LOTTO Hessen with a field force and hotline, chose the SFA eLeader Mobile Visit system. Among many applications of the system, it was important that it would enable representatives to carry out their operations remotely.
Implemented with the German branch of the CPM agency, the project provides mobile workers with a tool for seamless processing of orders to points and resources control. This seamlessness is achieved through integration of key business process elements with LOTTO Hessen’s system, thus reducing the risk of shortages of brochures or marketing materials.
Mobile Visits is a well thought out software solution, that by now could handle every task I asked eLeader to implement. The amount of user self-administrable tasks and options is outstanding.
Lars Thomas from CPM
Last but definitely not least the solution focused mindset of the project managers should be mentioned and the ease in communication highlighted.
Besides usual scheduled visits a distinguishing feature here is the modelling of the process of remote identification of cases that require a representative’s visit at the client’s location (the so-called “hotline”). Thanks to the combination – within the eLeader Mobile Visit application – of functionalities typical of call centers with mobile functionalities, a number of duties can be handled on an ad hoc basis through remote consultation, and a representative is only sent if their physical presence is necessary. This solution both optimizes the resources and mitigates the risk of bottlenecks in crisis situations.
eLeader Mobile Visit is an SFA / FFM / RSE-class system supporting the organization of the workflow in the field and the implementation of sales and marketing strategies. For the purposes of the implementation described above, the mobile version of the system for iPads was chosen.
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