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Home Customer Stories Implementation on a partnership basis in the Kingdom of Morocco: Tria Group

Implementation on a partnership basis in the Kingdom of Morocco: Tria Group

There is no stronger player than Tria Group on the market of cereal products manufacture and distribution that Morocco knows...

eLeader Paweł Majsiej 31 Mar 2017 3 min reading All categories

There is no stronger player than Tria Group on the market of cereal products manufacture and distribution that Morocco knows of. Tria is now using the eLeader Mobile Visit system. With the involvement of a local partner, eLeader strengthens its position in North Africa and increases the dynamics of the client’s development.

Tria Group has embarked on an ambitious mission which shows proper understanding of universal business values. Functioning as a vital link in the national economy means continuous development, which is possible thanks to people who deserve, and ought, to be invested in.

We took a daring decision to cooperate with a foreign SFA system provider and we are giving it thumbs up. Thanks to eLeader Mobile Visit our network of mobile workers have access to a world-class solution that works more efficiently, and the warehouse inventory data is considerably more precise and accessible. This means savings and accelerated sales volume development.

Adil El Azzouzi
IT Director
Tria Group

The network of mobile sales representatives organised by Tria covers the whole area of Morocco (realistically, a two-language country with an area of almost 450 thousand square metres). They are responsible for the sales of such products as groats, oil, pastas, cuscus, flour, tea, canned food or rice. In order to achieve high efficiency, our client set three major tasks for the new SFA/FFM system:

  • standardisation and transfer of manual activities and paper form reporting to a mobile system,
  • acceleration of business processes (mostly through advanced optimisation of stock management from the level of order placement and full promotion support during visits),
  • field sales quality enhancement.

eLeader Mobile Visit functionalities have been adjusted to the client’s needs, taking into consideration the intricacies of the market and its participants who have their own habits and technological expectations, as well as:

  • multiplicity of merchandise,
  • considerable diversity of the size of trade partners,
  • simultaneity of wholesale and retail,
  • own network of semi-wholesalers,
  • dispersion of warehouses in remote locations.

The eLeader Mobile Visit architecture, which enables flexible application modelling, has facilitated the unique Tria field-sales support process and made vanselling more convenient through mobile invoicing on site. What Tria Group sales representatives also value greatly is the fact that GPS navigation and the files exchange function are located within the system – a very important feature for mobile workers.

Tackling the challenge successfully consisted in the simultaneous intensification of direct and teleconference contacts of eLeader representatives and providing support from the Moroccan partner.

It is this successful cooperation of the client with a professional eLeader brand ambassador that constitutes a special value for the client, who is concurrently supported by two agents – a global and  a local one – who leap into action depending on the stage or type of requirement. The following turned out to be eLeader’s major assets here:

  • global experience,
  • a unique, low-cost approach to system configuration change management,
  • high ratings from organisations researching the global market in mobile sales solutions (see: Gartner and POI reports)

The thorough approach was reflected in the free-of-charge pilot deployment. eLeader was able to mirror the Tria Group work logic, demonstrating how significant time-and-cost savings can be achieved through investing in a world-class SFA/FFM system.

Industry:  FMCG – grains
Company range: nationwide
Users: sales representatives
Platform: Android
Devices: BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

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