Indykpol chooses SFA system

Indykpol a well-known company for its high quality poultry products and organizational standards after intensive series of comparative tests involving sales force automation solution leaders on a polish market chooses eLeader Mobile Visit as its mobile application to support sales in the field.

Indykpol’s differentiator on a polish market is a dynamic growth, unceasing willingness to take on business challenges, and of course high standards, high standards, and again high standards… Market position gained during long and successful history on the market places Indykpol as a leader, which provides high quality products and business services, that are matching the global standards.

eLeader Mobile Visit has turned out to be the best in the automatic replication of such processes and actions as; order processing, exposition checks and verification of sales standards. The advantage of eLeader Mobile Visit has been shown during detailed comparative tests carried out under the strict supervision of the client.

The result of meeting the requirements in a short time of a nationwide, well-organized sales network has been possible only thanks to earlier free tests. The tests have provided relevant data and revealed areas, that required immediate intensive work of the Indykpol’ team. The option of free tests is recommended especially to those companies, which have doubts about the area, in which  sales force automation mobile solutions ought to be deployed.

The important condition of the effective deployment have appeared to be full integration with Indykpol’ existing central system. The information have begun to circulate smoothly between the systems thanks to eLeader Connector Module and many years of eLeader’ experience in working at the interface of a different solutions for sales support.

Indykpol sales representatives have been equipped with Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo devices working on Android platform. Again, a standard solution has been selected (Here the alternative is BYOD – Bring You Own Device Module).

From the first days of eLeader Mobile Visit usage Indykpol has observed expected improvements and benefits of process automation such as eliminating the tedious and time-consuming manual activities and the way of rewarding employees – those two compounds are very important in functioning on such a large scale.

“In Indykpol we require a lot from each other, so I think, we can require even more from others. eLeader has distinguished itself from others thanks to a great product and lived up to our high standards. I can recommend eLeader Mobile Visit application to all those, who want to rapidly improve their sales network.”

Andrzej Krygier

Deputy Director of Informatics at Indykpol Inc.


Industry: Poultry and meat
The range of the company: nationwide
Members: sales representatives
Platform: Android
Devices: Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo

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