Olewnik chooses eLeader Mobile Visit
Zakłady Mięsne (Meat Processing Plants) Olewnik is a group of modern and mutually complementary production plants which since 1989 have...
Zakłady Mięsne (Meat Processing Plants) Olewnik is a group of modern and mutually complementary production plants which since 1989 have ranked among the leading producers in the Polish meat industry. In line with the standards worked out by Olewnik, we have implemented the eLeader Mobile Visit system, focusing on functionalities that automate the work of sales representatives and facilitate the creation of lasting business relations between them and their clients.
The application supports mobile workers in executing orders, collecting information about the store shelf display as well as creating and constantly updating their list of clients, which makes sales convenient and well-organized. Thanks to the integration of eLeader SFA with the central system of the Olewnik company, orders are processed as soon as the business visit is over, improving the delivery process of products specified by the client.
For marketing purposes, the mobile warehouse management functionality has been implemented. The persons in charge of promotional activities for the company and its products can conveniently decide on the location of such materials as displays or stands in selected points of sale, while it is sales representatives who provide those materials during the visit. All of the above activities are subject to a performance analysis based on sales volumes.
A remarkable functionality configured for Olewnik within eLeader Mobile Visit is the day summary based on a gamification scheme whereby an employee’s daily achievements are automatically communicated to each employee of the region.
For instance, the performance assessment of each sales representative may relate to the value of contracts signed on a given date or the number of meetings held, the aim of which being motivation for others. The transfer of information between employees takes place irrespective of reports and data received by the managerial staff.
Apart from standard eLeader SFA solutions, we have implemented a functionality based on gamification among sales representatives, which has had a positive impact on the involvement of employees, and thus on the number of business meetings and the volume of sales.
Jerzy Bojarski, Interim Sales Manager, Olewnik
This project is one of the key elements of the sales strategy of the Olewnik Group, whose main objective is to optimize business processes and work on a uniform and intuitive system for sales teams throughout the country.