Precise data, accurate decisions, increased sales in Zott Central Europe.
Specialists in manufacture and distribution of popular dairy products, Zott, have invested in the SFA/FFM eLeader Mobile Visit for the...
Specialists in manufacture and distribution of popular dairy products, Zott, have invested in the SFA/FFM eLeader Mobile Visit for the Windows platform. The aim of the project was to increase the managers’ sales decisions accuracy through provision of high quality Internet data.
Zott Central Europe was looking for an SFA system which would provide data to create a solid ground and a necessary condition for an in-depth market data analysis. The sales representatives (initially in Poland, subsequently in other Central Europe division countries), despite certain differences in the functioning of particular markets, have started working effectively with the eLeader Mobile Visit application.
The system supports mobile workers in creating and editing client databases, managing merchandise, organising promotions. It also facilitates access to the full cooperation record, enhances the execution of liabilities and optimizes travel routes. Where necessary, eLeader Mobile Visit has been integrated with the already existing system.
One functional requirement met by eLeader Mobile Visit is high flexibility of the solution, enabling implementation of even big, day-to-day settings changes without generating costs. For Zott, effective change management is crucial on a dynamic market with very intense competition.
Special emphasis has been placed on the configuration of the reporting layer for the managerial staff. In order to increase the accuracy of business decisions, data from mobile workers has been organized in the form of useful reports that allow the control of the key indicators for the implementation of the company’s sales strategy.
We apply Zott quality policy both to our products and sales methods. We have chosen the eLeader Mobile Visit system because it obtains precise data and delivers reports which streamline business decision processes.